Latest News | 30 October 2023

Festival launches appeal for pre-loved children’s books

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Marketing Derby and QUAD have teamed up with Derby Book Festival to support an appeal for pre-loved children’s books.

Both organisations are backing the Autumn Children’s Book Appeal, which will coincide with Derby Book Festival’s Autumn Edition, which takes place from Friday 17 November to Sunday 19 November.

It follows the success of a similar appeal held in May, which resulted in more than 800 books being donated to local schools and children who do not have many books of their own.

The appeal aims to spread a love of books and encourage a new generation of Derby readers.

People can drop off books suitable for primary school children and those aged between 14 to 19 at the Derby City Lab, in St James’s Street, from Tuesday 14 November to Friday 17 November, between 12noon and 4pm each day.

QUAD, in the Market Place, will be accepting donations from Friday 17 November to Sunday 19 November, from 10am to 8pm each day.

Alternatively, businesses are being encouraged to hold their own book drops in their workplaces.

John Forkin, managing director of Marketing Derby, said: “We’re delighted to be part of this great initiative again.

“We know that many children in Derby grow up in homes with very few books of their own, sometimes no books at all.

“Literacy skills are vital for future employment prospects. We’re opening our Derby City Lab for four afternoons in November so people can easily drop off any good-condition books that their family has finished with.

“We’re also supporting any Bondholders who want to host their own drop-off points for books at their workplace.”

One of the schools which benefitted from the first book drop earlier this year was Firs School, near the city centre.

The school’s chief administrator, Mandy Pickering said: “The donated books have had a huge positive impact with the children.

“We received 50 lovely books and decided to use them as rewards for the children when they completed their bronze, silver and gold standard in our school reading scheme.

“So many of our children have no books at home, so to see their faces light up when they earned a book was wonderful.

“Being able to choose their own free book to own and take home has really incentivised them.

“We’re very grateful to everyone who has been kind enough to donate books.”

Sian Hoyle, director of Derby Book Festival, said: “In the run-up to Christmas many people might want to have a good sort out of books their children or grandchildren have grown out of.

“We’re asking that they consider donating them to us so that we can bring books to the lives of many more Derby children and help to develop their love of reading.”

Derby Book Festival has produced a Children’s Book Appeal poster to display at workplaces and community centres for those who wish to hold their own book drop.

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